Access data quickly
View your area of interest, synthesise a variety of geochemical data and extract what you need. AusGeochem supports these data types and more:
— LA-ICP-MS and SIMS U-Pb geochronology
— Major, minor and trace element geochemistry
— K-Ar and Ar-Ar geochronology
— Fission track thermochronology
— (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology
— Thermal history simulations
— Hf-isotope geochemistry

Synthesise and extract data quickly
Gain novel scientific insights through multi-method data collation. Lithodat has powered the AusGeochem platform with unique built-in data synthesis functions, such as cumulative age histograms, age v elevation plots, and step-heating diagrams, allowing for rapid inter-study comparisons.
Data can be extracted in multiple formats to be used in a variety of software systems, allowing for the integration of regional data sets into machine learning and AI systems.

Connect with community
AusGeochem provides a platform for geochemistry laboratories to enter, organise and analyse their data in collaboration with researchers and industry. AusGeochem allows you to enter your own data in an existing global database whilst reserving permission options.

Goal 1 —
To endorse existing geochemical capability and support increased end-user access to laboratory facilities across Australia.

Goal 2 —
To promote capital and operational investments in new, advanced geochemical infrastructure.

Goal 3 —
To support collaboration and professional development via ongoing and free online tools, training courses and workshops.

Goal 4 —
To foster a FAIR Australian geochemistry data ecosystem via the development of AusGeochem.