Between 2018 – 2020, AuScope led a community engagement process to develop a 10-Year Strategy (2020 – 2030) and 5-Year Investment Plan to meet national geoscience challenges in the coming decade.
In 2018, our Board of Directors commissioned an Independent Review of AuScope Programs, which was enacted by Prof Neil Williams (Chair), Prof Anya Reading, Prof Peter Betts and Prof Matt King.
Additionally, we commenced a process of national engagement, starting with a two-day Strategy Workshop in Adelaide, where over 100 scientists discussed how our discipline can work better together, and what tools, data and analytics that we need to tackle national geoscience challenges of the coming decade.
Researchers from Australia’s Earth and Environmental Science communities pause in Adelaide’s Botanical Gardens between think tank sessions at AuScope’s Strategy Workshop in October.
More Info —
If you would like to know more about these two documents, or have feedback to offer, please contact AuScope CEO,
Dr Tim Rawling or AuScope Marketing
& Communications Manager, Jo Condon
Next we developed community Ideas in a series of workshops themed by infrastructure area: field-based, laboratory and digital infrastructures. These workshops aimed to:
Recap the national geoscience challenges, the NCRIS funding opportunity and key 2018 Strategy Workshop themes: ‘4D Australia’, ‘observations’, and ‘data assimilation’;
Identify gaps in national research infrastructure and prioritise needs;
Build and test rationale for identified priority needs; and
Establish working groups that will formalise ensuing submissions.
Dr. Andrea Codd from the University of Queensland pitches an idea for digital infrastructure investment.
Finally in 2019, willing participants of the workshop series and others progressed to develop infrastructure investment proposals that form the basis of both the resultant Strategy 2020 – 2030 and 5-Year Investment Plan documents for each of the field-based, laboratory-based and digital infrastructure groupings.