Earth Composition & Evolution (ECE)
Tools for geochemistry & geochronology

Dr. Korien Oostingh preparing to carry out laser ablation analysis on PhD samples. Image: ©Curtin University.
AuScope’s Earth Composition & Evolution (ECE) is a national laboratory capability for geochemistry, allowing researchers to investigate the evolution of the Australian continent to better inform mineral exploration, global change, and natural hazards.
Recently, the ECE team has been working on growing the AuScope Geochemistry Network (AGN) and, at the same time, building the AusGeochem platform to usher in a new generation of FAIR data and analysis.
AuScope has supported the purchase, upgrade and maintenance of integrated analytical and characterisation instruments at Curtin University, the University of Western Australia, the University of Melbourne and Macquarie University since 2006. Instruments include:
Specialist mass spectrometers in the John De Laeter Centre for Mass Spectrometry (JDLC) at Curtin University
A Cameca IMS 1280 Secondary Ion Microprobe in the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis at the University of Western Australia
A suite of thermochronology Instruments in the Geohistory Laboratory at the University of Melbourne
TerraneChron® in The ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents (GEMOC), Macquarie University
Curtin University's John de Laeter Centre houses advanced instrumentation for high quality chemical, mineralogical and microstructural analysis, and high resolution imaging. This video shows the SHRIMP B, one of two high resolution ion micro probes located at the Centre. Have a look around. Learn more:
If you are interested in accessing an instrument or learning more about current and potential projects, please contact Prof. Brent McInnes.
What we’re working on
We are providing the Australian geoscience community with access to advanced geochronology, thermochronology and geochemistry tools and are broadening our scope through efficiencies around access to and operation of multiple geochemistry laboratories across Australia.
We are engaging with Australian geoscience surveys and the MinEx CRC to support collaborative arrangements for data production on a national scale.
We are developing eResearch tools to make samples and data discoverable and reusable under the FAIR Data Principles. This involves coordinating the establishment of trusted data repositories and the preservation of legacy collections.
And finally, we are working together in the AGN to develop AusGeochem, a platform for easily visualising, analysing and extracting georeferenced data produced by Australian geochemistry laboratories.

Discover the AuScope Geochemistry Network
Linking geochemical labs across Australia for the benefit of researchers.
ECE facilities are accessed by over 800 researchers annually leading to the generation of hundreds of research publications (for examples see JdLC and GEMOC). Government agencies such as Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Western Australia use AuScope-supported facilities to underpin their mission to map the geology and mineral resource potential of Australia.
Other achievements include:
SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology data reduction software (SQUID3) developed by Geoscience Australia and Charleston College;
Development and testing of prototype laboratory information systems (LIMS) for automated capture and delivery of geochemical data to the AuScope Discovery Portal;
successful demonstration of in-situ U-Th-Pb-He dating and Pt-He dating;
the oldest age yet obtained on samples from the planet Mars and the first evidence of the composition of the ancient Martian atmosphere;
the oldest age yet obtained on unique minerals returned from the Apollo Moon missions with implications for understanding the bombardment history of the early Earth;
the determination of the formation age and processes of the Itokawa asteroid based on samples recovered by a Japanese spacecraft;
the determination of new, precise ages of meteor impact structures and flood basalt events in Australia and their role in understanding global mass extinction events;
the development of a new diamond exploration tool for Australian conditions based on the helium content of zircon; and
geochronological determination of key mineralisation events in the Yilgarn Craton and the Albany-Fraser terranes in Western Australia.
The ECE program is developing a new multi-institutional project that will make geochemical research infrastructure and expertise available to the end user community under a national access and operating arrangement.
Participating institutions will collaborate in the development and delivery of eResearch tools, as well as professional development opportunities for laboratory staff.
The program will liaise with state and federal geoscience agencies to provide a coordinated approach to the production of geochemical datasets of national significance which is publicly accessible via AusGeochem.
Further Reading
Professor Brent McInnes
JdLC, Curtin University
Macquarie Uni
Prof. Sue O’Reilly
TerraneChron Team
TerraneChron GEMOC
Melbourne Uni
Prof. Andrew Gleadow
Dr Samuel C Boone
Thermochronology Lab
Uni of Western Australia
Dr Laure Martin
Centre for Microscopy,
Characterisation & Analysis
Curtin Uni
Dr Bryant Ware
Centre for Microscopy,
JdLC, Curtin University
Since 2006