Our Team


Our management team draws together extensive experience in geoscience, finance, technology, marketing and design. If you are in Melbourne, please drop by Melbourne Connect Co-working, Level 2, 700 Swanston Street, Wurundjeri Country and say hello.


Independent Board of Directors

We are governed by an independent board of directors who bring a wealth of expertise in geoscience, forestry, energy, accounting and corporate finance to the table.

  • Dr Peter Woodgate — Director, 2012-20
    Professor Linda Kristjanson — Director and Chair, 2007-17
    Dr. Bob Haydon — Director & Chief Executive Officer, 2008-15
    Professor John Trinder — Director, 2007-14
    Dr. Don Pridmore — Director, 2007-14
    Scott McTaggart — Inaugural CEO & Director, 2007-8
    Prof. David Green — Director, 2007-8
    Dr Mike Etheridge — Inaugural Chair and Director, 2007-8
    Mr Warwick Watkins — Director, 2008-12


Science Advisory Panel

The AuScope Science Advisory Panel is a group of expert advisors that provides strategic guidance and scientific oversight to ensure AuScope's initiatives align with national research priorities and the needs of the geoscience community.

Discover our People


AuScope at Australian National University

AuScope at CSIRO

AuScope at Curtin University

AuScope at Deakin

AuScope at Geoscience Australia

AuScope at Macquarie University

AuScope at Monash University

AuScope at University of Adelaide

AuScope at University of Melbourne

AuScope at University of Queensland

AuScope at University of Sydney

AuScope at University of Tasmania

AuScope at University of Western Australia

AuScope at University of Wollongong