Over the last 15 years, AuScope has made a significant positive impact on Australia’s economy, society and environment. Our specialist tools, data, services, expertise and leadership have helped explorers find critical minerals, researchers model COVID-19 mobility data, defence personnel locate unexploded bombs, and inventors scale and commercialise a home-grown mineralogy logging innovation. It is hardly surprising that AuScope’s ROI is estimated at $15 for every $1 spent (Lateral Economics, 2016).
Enabling fundamental and applied geoscience is imperative to address Australia’s grand challenges related to critical minerals, energy and water security, as well as the mitigation of natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, landslides and coastal erosion.
Discover our wide-reaching impact, and pathways to it via these reports, case studies and media articles:
We are excited to share with you our 2023 highlights! Thank you to everyone in our national geoscience community who has helped take us closer to our vision of a sustainable and resilient future.
Discover AuScope’s highlights of 2022, from HQ and our Projects, as strategic steps towards realising a sustainable and resilient nation underpinned by predictive geoscience.
AuScope and the twenty seven research infrastructure organisations that make up the NCRIS network are proud to enable a breadth of Indigenous research and help build wider and deeper engagement with Indigenous scientists and communities around the nation.
Since 2004, NCRIS has enabled a wealth of research excellence, making it both headline-worthy and a critical pillar of the Australian economy. Leading economists agree.
Take a dive into the top AuScope enabled science papers of 2021! Here we present a collection of newly published geoscience research that captures a breadth of new knowledge, from the depths of ancient oceans to the spinning edges of asteroids. Excitingly, this new knowledge will contribute to ongoing learning about our shapeshifting planet.
Discover AuScope’s highlights of 2021, from HQ and our Projects, as strategic steps towards realising a sustainable and resilient nation underpinned by predictive geoscience.
AuScope exists within a network of twenty seven science organisations that ensure Australian researchers have access to cutting edge national research infrastructure. We are excited to showcase here how each organisation is supporting advanced manufacturing.
Discover AuScope’s highlights of 2020, from HQ and our Projects, as strategic steps towards realising a sustainable and resilient nation underpinned by predictive geoscience.
AuScope and twenty seven other NCRIS organisations are preparing Australia to anticipate, manage and adapt to our changing climate and the risk of bush fires. The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) makes this vital research possible and helps develop Australia’s risk management and science innovation.