NCRIS enables a breadth of Indigenous research in Australia
AuScope, with other NCRIS-funded organisations, is engaging with and seeking new ways to increase Indigenous people's roles, knowledge, and research in Australian science innovation. Image: NCRIS.
AuScope and the twenty seven research infrastructure organisations that make up the NCRIS network are proud to enable a breadth of Indigenous research and help build wider and deeper engagement with Indigenous scientists and communities around the nation. Check out NCRIS’ interactive infographic to discover how each NCRIS organisation contributes to this collective effort. And, learn how AuScope is working towards creating a more inclusive and equitable geoscience.
Discover our collective effort by downloading this interactive infographic. After you download the infographic (PDF), hover over each organisation shown around the image of Australia to see how each organisation responded. Then click through to learn more.
Thank you to Romy Pearce, Communications Manager at
Astronomy Australia, for your
graphic and coordination skills and
the support of the NCRIS Network.
Meteorites by Margaret Whitehurst, Wajarri Yamatji visual artist. Learn more about the artwork.