Preserving the Steve Barnes (CSIRO) Ni-PGE Geochemistry Collection in AusGeochem
CSIRO (Barnes) Ni-PGE geochemistry collection visualised in the AusGeochem platform, with an overlay of an interpolation map of nickel concentrations. Image: AusGeochem
Dr Steve Barnes
This flagship data collection was donated to the geoscience community following the retirement of Dr Steve Barnes, who held the position of Research and Science Leader with CSIRO Mineral Resources from 2014 to 2019. He is an economic geologist with a background in igneous petrology, geochemistry and volcanology and is CSIRO’s expert in magmatic ore deposits.
Dr Steve Barnes in the field overlaying an image from the CSIRO (Barnes) Ni-PGE Geochemistry Collection displaying characteristic spinifex textures. Image: Steve Barnes
The collection is now fully live and interactive within the AusGeochem platform for users to explore various geochemical analysis and visualisation tools. Access to this collection will be a valuable resource for furthering the understanding of the formation and preservation of critical mineral deposits.
The CSIRO (Barnes) Ni-PGE Geochemistry Collection
The collection includes whole rock geochemical and mineral chemistry data collated by Dr Steve Barnes while working at CSIRO from the mid-1980s to 2021. The data set includes over 5,700 samples, primarily from the Archean of Western Australia, focussed on mafic to ultramafic rocks and associated nickel sulfide ores. Most of the data was collected during research projects related to exploration for magmatic sulfide nickel-copper ore deposits. This compilation has been used to help recognise the regional footprints of magmatic Ni-Cu-Cu-platinum group deposits and offers a window for continued exploration for critical mineral ores.
“This dataset is the legacy of nearly forty years of research involving a dozen or more scientists collaborating with at least twenty exploration companies searching for nickel in Australia.
AusGeochem is providing a great service in making it available to the research and exploration communities. I’m hoping that future generations of scientists will keep using and expanding this dataset to deepen our understanding of the planet and aid in locating the resources we need for the green economy.”
– Dr Steve Barnes
Exploring geochemistry with AusGeochem
The partnership between CSIRO and the AGN has successfully digitally preserved this valuable collection on the NCRIS funded AusGeochem platform. This online service provides not only a repository for geoscience data from a range of geochemistry and geochronology fields, but is complemented by a host of synthesis and visualisation tools for exploring both user and community data to provide a multi-faceted research tool for a data-driven world.
The addition of the CSIRO geochemistry collection allows the geoscience community to investigate this data and integrate with the ever-growing wealth of community data. Such a holistic approach encompassing high-quality legacy and emerging geochemical data opens exciting possibilities for data-driven research into Earth processes that govern the formation and preservation of critical mineral ores essential to ensure a prosperous future.
AusGeochem is an open, web-based platform for quickly visualising, analysing and extracting geochemistry data in a geospatial context. Watch this AusGeochem Preview. Source: AGN
The AGN continues to partner with Australian universities, geoscience surveys, CSIRO and industry to build long-term data architecture supporting seamless sharing and accessibility of geochemistry data. This AuScope enabled project led by Dr Angus Nixon seeks to harmonise geochemistry models across Australia to adapt to an increasingly digital and data driven world, and ensure such vital collections may be more readily preserved and integrated into the national research environment to enable new and exciting discovery.
“The Barnes collection is a fantastic example of the wealth of information which already exists and the opportunities for new discovery once this becomes available for the research community.
I’d like to think this will be the first of many exciting collections which become available through AusGeochem as partnerships between the AGN and Australian surveys and geoscientists open up possibilities for seamless data sharing and provide access to world-class geochemistry resources.”
– Dr Angus Nixon
Angus Nixon (AuScope Geochemistry Network; The University of Adelaide), Steve Barnes (CSIRO)
Philomena Manifold (AuScope)
Discover resources related to CSIRO research on nickel and platinum ore deposits.
Lithogeochemistry in exploration for intrusion-hosted magmatic Ni–Cu–Co deposits – open access research paper by Steve Barnes.
Mantle Magmas through Time – investigate the deep story of how magmas derived from the Earth’s mantle have changed with time, and what this tells us about the evolution of the planet and the onset of plate tectonics.
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