EarthScope has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AuScope and EPOS, enhancing global collaboration to drive transformative geoscience research and deliver impactful solutions for environmental challenges.
Read MoreDiscover AuScope's top moments of 2024! This year’s video showcases how we're driving earth science forward in Australia through NCRIS-powered discoveries and powerful collaborations. Join us for a look at the year’s biggest highlights!
Read MoreAuScope Opportunity Fund is open. We are inviting EOIs by May 3rd to fuel NCRIS-enabled projects, driving impactful research and infrastructure enhancements.
Read MoreVia new research infrastructure delivery partner ANZIC, AuScope is proud to support eight Indigenous geoscience professionals and undergraduate students in joining the JOIDES Resolution (JR) Academy, a two-week ‘science at sea’ experience on board the JR vessel from Naples to Amsterdam in April 2024. Participants can generate cross-cultural thinking towards a new paradigm in geoscience practice and impact globally. Jump aboard from online!
Read MoreOn Thursday, the 19th of October, the Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP, and the Minister for Innovation and Science, the Hon Ed Husic MP, announced the outcomes of the 2023 NCRIS Research Infrastructure Investment Plan (RIIP) funding round. Discover our plans for activities based on recommendations proposed in our community-designed 5-year investment plan.
Read MoreExplore our 2023 Highlights video, where we showcase our infrastructure advancements, engagement activities, and the impactful contributions of our research community towards Australia’s decadal geoscience challenges, from climate change to critical minerals, water security, coastal impact, energy and geohazards.
Read MoreEnhancing geoscience collaboration in Australia forms the core of an exciting new MoU between AuScope and Geoscience Australia.
Read MoreThe NCRIS enabled partnership between Australia’s national science agency CSIRO and the AuScope Geochemistry Network (AGN) has successfully preserved a valuable collection of geochemical data.
Read MoreWe are excited to celebrate AuScope’s Simulation, Analysis & Modelling (SAM) Lead, Professor Louis Moresi, alongside 19 other science leaders as Australian Academy of Science (AAS) 2023 Fellows.
Read MoreProfessor Axel Schmitt is stepping into the role of Facility Leader of the new NCRIS enabled AuScope Ion Microprobe, a tool that will support Australia’s critical mineral future.
Read MoreRecently, teams from our AuScope Geochemistry Network team and Museums Victoria collaborated to enhance researcher access to an extensive collection of data for museum-held rocks and mineral specimens via the NCRIS enabled AusGeochem platform. Here collaborators share details of their successful project.
Read MoreThrough AuScope’s AGN+ pilot project, the AuScope Geochemistry Network has expanded to 13 facility-based nodes from partner institutions across Australia. Recently, this expanded team consortium of Earth Science institutes met in Melbourne for the first time.
Read MoreThe Mobile Petrophysics Laboratory has found its groove and is rolling across the country. The first stop for this NCRIS enabled facility is the Geological Survey of South Australia where it will help scientists take a deep dive into the physical and chemical properties of rock core.
Read MoreA joint vision of a global research infrastructure for geoscience sits at the heart of an exciting new MoU between AuScope and Europe’s EPOS ERIC. Over the next three years, our parties will share knowledge, foster strategies to enhance user experience, and develop open data practices, all to enhance research impact globally.
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