EarthScope has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AuScope and EPOS, enhancing global collaboration to drive transformative geoscience research and deliver impactful solutions for environmental challenges.
Read MoreA joint vision of a global research infrastructure for geoscience sits at the heart of an exciting new MoU between AuScope and Europe’s EPOS ERIC. Over the next three years, our parties will share knowledge, foster strategies to enhance user experience, and develop open data practices, all to enhance research impact globally.
Read MoreToday for International Day of Women and Girls in Science we celebrate a globally esteemed geoscientist in our midst, Associate Professor Heather Handley. Investigating volcanoes, fighting for gender equity in geoscience, designing a film festival and writing a book are all in a day’s work for Heather.
Read MoreBefore the pandemic crept in, we hoped to bring you this story of Slovenia based biologists using NCRIS enabled GPlates software to help explain how golden orbweaver spiders migrated around the world over the last 130 million years. But it’s an intricate web we weave, you see, and only now can we wrap this up for you.
Read MoreBetter integration of Earth observation data into environmental models is critical for scientists to understand, predict and address complex global sustainability challenges and to realise significant societal benefits. Here we reflect on an energetic discussion of this topic at GEO Week 2019 and opportunities ahead.
Read MoreRecently, an international team of volcanologists married 21st century research with Bronze Aged field observations from Turkey’s Kula UNESCO Geopark to confirm the world’s oldest, demonstrable human sighting of a volcanic eruption.
Read MoreAs the Indo-Australian Plate converges with the Tibetan Plateau, recently, so too do researchers from respective locations, outcomes of which are proving to be sizeable. Professor Andy Gleadow, from AuScope’s Earth Composition and Evolution component, explains.
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