Linking & promoting Australia’s geochemistry research capabilities
Confocal laser scanning micrographs illustrating the sub-micrometre topography of laser ablation pits in the mineral apatite. Image: Dr Samuel Boone
Established in 2019, the AuScope Geochemistry Network (AGN) is an Australian consortium of Earth Science institutes cooperating to develop national geochemistry research infrastructure. The AGN was set up in response to a national expression of need for better organisation and coordination of geochemistry laboratories and data.
Our mission
To create a national network of geochemical laboratories that contribute data to AusGeochem, a FAIR data platform enabling researchers to solve the national challenges of today and tomorrow.
The AGN links geochemical laboratories (contributors shown here) and their data into the AusGeochem platform, a FAIR data repository enabling researchers to address national challenges of today and tomorrow. Image: AGN
Our goals
Our work
We are working with collaborators Lithodat to develop AusGeochem, a FAIR-based open geochemistry data platform that serves as both a data repository and interface between the institutional, collaboration and public domains, facilitating laboratory data upload, interrogation and dissemination.
We are consulting with method-specific Expert Advisory Groups of Australian geochemists to ensure data reporting and QA/QC requirements for the platform are met. Join us for monthly webinars to learn about the AGN’s exciting developments, and new research taking place across Australia’s geoscience institutions:
Get involved
Our Network is expanding far and wide across Australian laboratories. We’d love you, your team, your laboratory and community to join us in achieving our goals. Key benefits to you as a researcher include:
Increased visibility of your data and research outputs
Increased promotion your laboratory’s capabilities and expertise
Reduced energy spent on data management and cataloging
Support from the AGN to build custom data masks that fit your analytical protocol, enabling fast and efficient data upload
The ability for you and members from your laboratory to enter their own data in the AusGeochem platform whilst maintaining permission controls. This allows you to keep your unpublished data private, share your data with selected collaborators, or with the whole community; all while still getting to take advantage of the regional analysis tools in AusGeochem.
Join the Network
Register your Australian geochemistry lab and contribute to the AGN.
Get in touch with the AGN to learn more about our work and how to get involved.
The AGN, led by Prof Brent McInnes of Curtin University and comprising a team of expert geochemists from across Australia, aims to create, coordinate, promote and develop national geochemistry research infrastructure and maximise its use by the Australian research community.
Prof Brent McInnes, Curtin University
Prof Sue O'Reilly, Macquarie University
Prof Andy Gleadow, The University of Melbourne
Dr Bryant Ware, Curtin University
Sally-Ann Hodgekiss, Macquarie University
Dr Samuel Boone, The University of Melbourne
Dr Yoann Greau, Macquarie University
Dr Olivier Alard, Australian National University
Prof Barry Kohn, The University of Melbourne
Dr Hayden Dalton, The University of Melbourne
Dr Angus Nixon, The University of Adelaide
Dr Sheree Armistead, The University of Tasmania
Dr Florian Dux, University of Wollongong
Dr Halimulati Ananuer, Macquarie University
Dr Xueying Wang, Monash University
Dr Dafne Koutamanis, James Cook University
Dr Jack Stirling, The University of Western Australia
Curtin University
Macquarie University
The University of Melbourne
Australian National University
Geological Survey of WA
Geoscience Australia
James Cook University
Monash University
University of Adelaide
University of Queensland
University of South Australia
University of Tasmania
University of Western Australia
Wollongong University
We are at the #AEGC2023 conference in #Brisbane! Swing by the @CurtinUni #Geoscience or @lithodat booths to chat ab…
📽️IN CASE YOU MISSED IT📽️ The recording of our webinar on Victoria's State Geoscience Collection with @OLindenmayer…
📢Happening today!👇 Do join us for AGN Webinar 12! 4:00 pm AEDT/1:00 pm AEDT