AuScope is ON! Join us by sharing your insights with us?
Over nine weeks we will be learning how customer discovery and market validation can help translate our research into real-world impact. Pictured: Young wheat roots under UV light, via The Tardis. Image: CSIRO
AuScope is excited to be selected in the fifteenth round of CSIRO ON Prime, a free, nine-week program (23 April - 26 June 2024) that will help us develop a deeper understanding of the diverse people who could benefit the most from the AuScope facility. This exhilarating and valuable program has us focussed on achieving one goal over a nine-week period: holding as many short conversations as possible with people benefiting, or seeking to benefit from the national geoscience research ecosystem. We want to hear from you!
About CSIRO ON Prime
CSIRO ON Prime is part of the Australian Government’s $2.2B research translation and commercialisation agenda research translation and commercialisation agenda, helping place university innovation and industry collaboration front and centre of Australia’s economic recovery. Image: CSIRO
Getting started in the two-day immersion in Narrm / Melbourne
This week, Jo Condon, Rebecca Farrington and Tim Rawling learned how to craft a gaddie (or elevator) pitch for AuScope, map the different communities and entities in our ecosystem, and prepare to have conversations with people who are interested in affecting more geoscience research translation with us.
We were excited to be in the Narrm / Melbourne cohort with researchers and STEM professionals from CSIRO and universities. These teams are working on a range of technology and systems change projects from medical to energy, engineering and education areas. We look forward to building relationships and sharing knowledge with this community, and learning from the facilitators and ON Prime delivery team.
For the next six weeks, we go online, learning together with mentors, coaches and each other, before meeting again for a final, in-person showcase with all participants and facilitators from around Australia.
We’d love to chat with you, yes you!
Whether you are a researcher in fundamental or applied science, a scientist working in government or industry, a policy maker, a university or school educator, student, citizen scientist or are generally curious about what’s happening in the Australian geoscience research today - we want to hear from you!
Please register your interest in having a fifteen-minute video or phone chat with our team including Jo Condon, Rebecca Farrington and Tim Rawling over the next five weeks here. Please note that these conversations are designed to be fun for you and us. We respect your privacy and will not share any of your insights captured in the conversations with anyone beyond our team unless authorised by you.
Please note we are seeking participation from people beyond the AuScope team in this project.
Got 15 minutes? Register your interest for a relaxed chat with us!
Whether you are a researcher in fundamental or applied science, a scientist working in government or industry, a policy maker, a university or school educator, student, citizen scientist or are generally curious about what’s happening in the Australian geoscience research today, let’s catch up for a chat!
Please go to the bottom of this blog to register your interest to participate in a
15-minute conversation with us between April and June 2024. Thank you!
Please note we are seeking participation beyond the AuScope team only for now.
Jo Condon, Rebecca Farrington
and Tim Rawling (AuScope)