High time for high sea trip to ‘see’ below quakey seafloor
Our first postcard from the ANU science crew on board the RV Investigator as they depart from Hobart on Friday 9 October 2020. From left to right: Dr Xiaolong Ma, Thuany Patricia Costa de Lima (PhD student), Prof. Hrvoje Tkalčić, Dr Thanh-Son Pham, Sheng Wang (PhD student). Image: Rajesh Erigela
Just over a year ago, an international team of scientists prepared to explore Macquarie Ridge — a unique underwater geological landscape that evolves where tectonic plates converge and shake vigorously. And then COVID-19 hit.
Today, with rigorous health protocols in place, the Australian portion of the scientific team finally departs from Hobart on board the RV Investigator to collect important earthquake data to create an image of earth below the quakey Ridge. And, they are taking us along with them, providing postcards here across the next three weeks of the journey. Keep an eye out here or on Twitter for updates!
Please keep an eye out here or over on Twitter for postcards from the voyagers!
Jo Condon, AuScope and
Prof Hrvoje Tkalčić, Australian
National University